Raspberry Leaf 1oz
Raspberry leaf tea is what it sounds like – a tea made from the leaves of raspberry plants! While the plant’s bright pink berries are known for their high vitamin count, their leaves are additionally a source of various vital nutrients.
Raspberry leaf tea is additionally a good source of antioxidants. These are molecules that help your body fight off free radicals: potentially harmful compounds which can lead to numerous chronic conditions. Raspberry leaf tea may help relieve PMS and shorten labour.
This tea is thought to be particularly beneficial to women. It's been used since ancient times to help soothe period pain and shorten labour for those who are expecting. This can help relieve menstrual cramps and better prepare the uterus for birth if you’re pregnant.
For the best results during pregnancy, it’s recommended to start drinking raspberry leaf tea once you reach 32 weeks.
Raspberry leaf is also a diuretic and thought to have laxative properties, meaning it could alter the toilet habits of some drinkers. If in doubt, consult a medical professional before trying raspberry leaf tea.